Friday, 30 September 2011

CPD Dream Project - Design Visualisation

I like Boss products, they have lights and buttons and you can plug guitars into them. 
This is a bit of a dream project to trial some new software I have been experimenting with. Personnel Professional Development ( oooh get me!)

This has all been designed, modelled and visualised using Cinema 4d 11.5 (R13 is the latest) I have been a long term user of Vectorworks CAD but Maxons C4d is great for organic modelling and visualising ....It is fantastically powerful, intuitive and fun to use.

This unit is based on an Edirol UA-25 Audio interface (for getting audio into a computer for recording) Edirol, along with Boss, are part of Roland.

I have incorporated a wireless feature, hense the plug in transmitter, so home users can hook up without a 'physical' connection and prance around rock star style wire free. 
It was and interesting exercise to form the plastic end caps work out the best way to replicate LEDs but it turned out ok I think.

I am going to make a giant multi-coloured inflatable one now for children to jump on ;0)

Thursday, 22 September 2011

Soft Play Area

This Blog of mine is developing a theme slightly biased towards children's play. I would like to point out that I work on other things apart from funky, wild, and colourful children's play areas but  being a finger popping 'freelance' daddyo I do what I am asked to do and I'm in a play area loop. All paid work is groovy.

I sometimes get involved with other projects that are so top secret and for such huge and frighteningly fierce brands  ( Often promoting hush hush un-launched products e.t.c e.t.c) it would be very unprofessional to bang on about it fact just thinking about it is probably not on.....;0)

Well one more sensory overload for TigerPlay...this is a hybrid inside, outside, inside, outside Soft /Hard timber play environment.....I am assured It's going to be the next big thing.......presumably not 'Frankie Says' T shirt big or iPhone big but we will see.
I will try to post something different next time..

Wednesday, 14 September 2011

More Soft Play-Retail?

Doing lots of play area design and development at the moment which is great fun.

Here is another one, simple Indoor soft play area for a hospital waiting area. 

I  think the implementation of soft play areas and interactive zones in the retail environment will become more widespread even with the impact on sales floor space.
Anyone with young children will of given up on a shopping excursion or visit to a shop when uncooperative children have made it just too much like hard work. ( or is it just me ) If there had been an area available to entertain children, even for a short amount of time, It may of resulted in a sale....maybe.

Tuesday, 6 September 2011

Having a Blogless Blog..madness

Hello, Decided to start my blog at long last. I have had lots of page views with nothing on here for people to see ...very shabby..note to self...must try harder...... thought I had better post something.

I am sure there are massive amounts of information about correct blogging etiquette and top tips available but I'm not going to mess about trawling through all that...It may well turn out to be an error but hey, Its only a bit of fun and all the usual disclaimers apply.
This is the plan.
I am going to post things I have been working on that may be interesting or a bit different and include other stuff that I have seen, like or been inspired not much of a plan really;0)

Here are a few images I created for one of my favourite clients TigerPlay. They produce fantastic bespoke play environments for children. This was a project based on an interactive  area to keep the pesky little critters amused while waiting...Check out TigerPlay they are groovy.